Sunday, March 19, 2023

3, 2, 1, Goal!!

In June 2021 I faced a crossroads.  My back needed additional surgeries to repair damaged discs, my weight had ballooned to an all-time high of 385#.  I was miserable, unhappy, and not pleasant to be around.  I had to do something, and it needed to be a drastic, concerted effort.  
In July 2021 I began my weight loss journey.

The title of this post is 3, 2, 1, Goal.  I began my weight loss journey thinking maybe 50 or 75# and that would be enough.  As I began making healthy diet choices, the weight started to drop.  I reduced the fat and carbs in my diet as low as possible and increased the protein intake as much as I thought I could, all while maintaining max 1,000 calorie per day diet.  By December 2021 I had dropped 50#, by Jan 2022 I had dropped 70#; I was ready for my back surgery.

Surgery was performed in January 2022, and was an unmitigated disaster.  I awoke from a 90 minute surgery that was to have been a 4 hour surgery, my left leg was paralyzed, neither of my calves were functioning, I was in extreme pain, unable to walk and very depressed.  
During this time my wife, who I have been married to since I was 19, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the bone marrow, lymphoma.  Not a curable cancer but treatable.

I arrived home went through physical therapy with little improvement.  It was determined a follow-up (my 5th) surgery needed to be performed on my spine.   August 2022 brought my 5th surgery, relief from pain was realized, but much more work will be needed to resume "normal".

Why am I proving all of these details you may ask.  My reason is this, a decision must be made when you are ready to improve your life, my failed back surgeries and my beloved's illness made the decision-making process easy for me; drop the weight and improve your health or face grim consequences.

To date I have lost 186#, I have watched the first number on the scale fall from a 3, to a 2, to a 1  ALL weight loss was by diet with no exercise.  I am still physically challenged, but a few more procedures in the future will correct other damaged parts of my body and I will the be on to exercising to tighten the skin, increase muscle strength, an endurance/energy.

As I stood on the scales last, this is my weight.  An amazing 199#, I am down 186# from my max weight of 385#!


Dorrin at 199# 
Soon to be 60 years old, loving each moment of the day challenges and all.

So what is the purpose of this post?  Well, yes, it is to brag a little 😄 but also to encourage my readers to look for your motivation in weight loss and for a better eating/lifestyle routine. 

We all have challenges; the important thing is to not let the challenges stop you in your tracks.  Accept the challenges, determine how to overcome/work with them, have a plan of action, and move forward.

My wife and I look at life a bit different now.  We are finite on this side, and we are most of the way through our journey here.  We want to make the most of what we have left, influence as many people as we can for the better and leave a lasting positive Legacy and message.

Search for your motivation, act on your dreams, accomplish your goals.  Eternity is a long time after we are done on this side, plan for it!

FRIED RICED Cauliflower

 I am grain free, sugar free, low dairy, high protein, low carb, "good" fats only in my food consumption.  While that sounds reall...