Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Just accept it ~ NO!

Some things are inevitable.  We age, we have limitations, we lose loved ones, our bodies change, hair color and even hair goes away (sometimes it decides to grow in inappropriate places 😂), skin changes, we slow down.

Yes, things change, but we do not have to accept that the changes can't be worked on.  We can help our aging by watching diet, getting an annual checkup, taking our supplements, and exercising our bodies and brains.

Mindset is a great determiner of how we handle life and situations we encounter.  We all know a "Debbie Downer" that no matter what, they can only see the negative.  Conversely, we all know a "Pollyanna" who sees the world through rose-colored glasses and only acknowledges the butterflies and unicorns they come across.  Find a happy medium, understand what is inevitable, what can be changed, and what is just not worth your time and energy to address.

Our time on this side of heaven is finite, we are to give our best and work to help others.  Everyone has strengths and weaknesses; it is easier to address our calling when we feel our best.  Granted some have health issues that cannot be addressed easily but let me relate to you this story.  Charlotte Elliot was a bedridden invalid when she wrote the great invitational hymn "Just as I am".  Catherine Hankey wrote "I Love to Tell the Story" & "Tell me the Old, Old Story" while confined to a bed recovering from a serious illness.  Fanny Crosby, blinded at 6 weeks by disease and ill applied mustard poultices, went on to write over 8,000 hymns and 1,000 poems.

So, why am I relating these tales?  Simply, you can achieve greatness, you can make a difference, you can achieve your weight, health, and mobility goals; but you need to be determined and work for it.  We can be our own worst enemy by ourselves that "Well that's just how it is".  NO, God did not create us for mediocrity, despair, and a laisse faire attitude; we were all created for greatness, and greatness starts when you take control of your health and work to be the best you can be!

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