Sunday, October 2, 2022

Control, Restraint, Planning

 “Are you ready to sacrifice who you are, for what you will become.” —Eric Thomas

When you are working to arrive at a goal, results are only achieved with control, restraint, and planning.

I get it, retraining yourself to a healthier you is hard.  Regardless of if you need to drop some pounds, get more exercise, change your mindset, or whatever it is, it takes time, planning and self-control.  

My first advanced degree was in Computer Science (and yes, I have many degrees and even my Doctorate but that is for another time).  The first thing I learned and retain to this day is a statement one of my professors for Cobol-68 said "Garbage in, Garbage out" or simply GIGO.  What you put into the coding of a program is what you are going to get out.  Lack of planning and forethought brings about unexpected and poor consequences.  The same is for anything you are working on to make a lasting life changing event.

It is said you can change your life in 21 days!  That is BS in my opinion, for a conscience decision to become a change and thus a habit, you are looking at 358 days.  Yes, nearly a year of repeating something for it to become an unconscious act or habit. 

Let's talk diet (as this is what brought about the creation of this blog).  I very much enjoyed fried foods but consuming this was not a good act on my part, so I searched for alternatives.  Air fried foods gave me the crispy texture I desired but at a fraction of the calories.  Sweets have never been a big desire of mine, but when I want something sweet, I really want it!  Working with that I can have sugar free gelatin in a variety of favors, with some low-fat whipped topping and have a great sweet treat or desert for 50 calories.  I was addicted to bread, discovered KETO friendly bread at only 35 calories per slice with a small smear of butter and I am satiated.  Egg white omelets in for whole egg omelets, great taste, less than 1/4 the calories.  Simply put, you need to make conscience decisions to become who you want to be and what you envision.

Let's talk exercise.  You don't need a lot of equipment to achieve an exercise goal.  Walking takes only a decent pair of shoes and a nice, paved area such as a sidewalk, parking lot, or mall concourse.  You have to start somewhere and even if it's only a few hundred yards, well that is a beginning.  Remember to challenge yourself, the goal is to increase your effort weekly.  
If you are physically challenged, check you tube for chair exercises or isometric workouts.  The point is you have to start somewhere.

Let's talk mental health and exercise; your mindset can be your biggest setback.  To be a better individual and achieve the purpose you have been placed on this earth for means you have to have a positive outlook.  Sit back, think about what you have a passion for and set a goal to work towards.

Bottom line, you need dietary stability, physical health, and mental health to be a positive individual that can carry out the calling God has put in place for you.  Does this take effort, most assuredly, but the end is worth the means.  Put the excuses and poor me attitude behind you, just start a positive approach to all three of these aspects.  When you start a new regime, celebrate the achievements, address the detractions, keep going is a positive manner, you will become a much happier & positive individual and this will spill over to everyone you meet.  YOU CAN DO THIS, but it takes effort, just put the effort in! 

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