Sunday, October 30, 2022


Constant craving, has always been...   ~KD Lang

As a societal group, most Americans are food centric.  That is, our gatherings and activities tend to include a food component.  The food can be used as a reward for a job well done, as a means to get everyone together to enjoy the moment, or even as a way to spark and continue conversation.

The rub comes when you are intrenched in this behavior but are working diligently to correct poor eating habits.  As stated before moderation and intelligent choices are key to changing a lifelong battle with poor eating habits.  But what happens when Aunt Edna brings her decadent chocolate, peanut butter fudge quadruple layer, ice box chocolate cake that you have enjoyed for the last 35 years; well, you need to make a choice (without hurting aunties feelings)
You need a daily & weekly plan for your meals and special gathering need to be included in this plan, so you have a contingency on how to address this issue.  If you know this treat is something you look forward to each year, plan on having a smaller piece so you do not feel deprived.  Plan on reducing your intake of other delicacies so you still can have a balanced intake of food.
PLANNING and PREPERATION is the KEY to a sustained lifestyle change!  Will we backslide and fail, yes.  Paramount is taking responsibilities and producing a course of action to avoid these pitfalls.

EXAMPLE:  I know I am currently limited to 1000 calories per day, I need 100-120 grams of protein daily, fat and carb intake needs to be as minimal as possible.  If I have an unusual occurrence item coming up in my food intake, I need to edit what I am taking in. (truthfully without making excuses)  I had half a glazed donut which is 150 calories, so I cut my lunch down to a 3-ounce grilled skinless chicken breast from a 4-5 ounce, the 150-calorie overage was then accounted for.

Cravings occur a lot for me, I find keeping sugar free gum in the truck keeps me from stopping for something to eat when I don't really need it.  I keep a bowl of sugar free gelatin made up in the refrigerator at all time.  This gelatin (cherry usually) with a dollop of low-fat whipped topping and a few peanuts is a great sweet treat that satisfies.
If I find I am still craving food, I drink my cocktail of Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice and tepid water, then I brush my teeth.  The mint from the toothpaste usually quells my food desires.
Finally, I keep a picture of me at my highest weight (385#) on my desktop to remind me why I need to stay disciplined.

BOTTOM LINE:  If you fail to plan you will fail, period.  You need to be dedicated and passionate for a life change, you are responsible for the outcome, no one else.  This does not mean you become the obnoxious person that crucifies people for eating different than you do, just set the example and your positive change will inspire so many others.

Keep up the good work, reevaluate every once and a while to see what needs adjusted, and enjoy your new path, it is so rewarding!

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