Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Careful, Not Everyone Has Your Best Interest at Heart

 Isn't the internet wonderful? You can find thousands of bogus articles on any subject in a matter of minutes.

When determining how you want to proceed with your weight loss, change your eating habits, refine your health regimens, or any other life altering behavior, DO YOUR RESEARCH, due diligence is a must to ensure a responsible, life altering decision can be made with your best interest in mind.

When determining what to change in your diet list what you want to achieve and research how to go about this.  Be careful in your research, many articles are nothing more than a sales pitch for products with unfounded (but very convincing sounding) results.

Ask yourself, "Does this seem too good to be true?"; what are the qualifications of the author of this piece, does the article seem to be pushing a product, agenda, group instead of working on informing the reader.

Think to yourself "But wait there's more!" and put yourself in the driver's seat as you take in this information, don't just be a passenger along for the ride.  Remember the TV commercials that promise so much but deliver so little and work to not be a victim of slick copy and a fast talker.

When you are deciding on a major life event dealing with your health and well-being, it is more than reasonable to be skeptical and want more information.  If additional information cannot be located about the product, service, life changing event, simply walk away, you are worth it.

Does this mean that all new ideas are hokum and should be discounted?  No.  We now know that reducing calories, reducing fat, reducing carbohydrates, increasing protein, and increasing physical activity are great ways to improve one's quality of life and health, but this was not always the case.  We know that a life can be too full, you can be too busy, you can take time for you; again, this is a relatively new concept but one that has great benefit to our persons.

In short, when approaching a new way of doing something research more than one source, right down the pros and cons and finally give it the "Smell Test" 😁  If something appears off, pass it up and revisit it again at a later date, if it does not pass the "Smell Test" on a second visit, your mind is telling you this aspect is not for you, go down another avenue to achieve your goals.

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