Thursday, December 15, 2022


 I love trying different foods and tweaking them to make a healthier, faster, easier version.  This is one of my favorites!


The Clock Man’s Stir Fry


1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

1 4-ounce boneless, skinless chicken breast, diced

1 Teaspoon red pepper flakes

2 Tablespoons garlic powder

1 Teaspoon ground ginger

1 Packet Italian Dressing seasoning mix (my personal favorite is the Aldi brand)

1 Tablespoon sesame oil

¼ Cup dry roasted peanuts


1 Package Cole slaw mix (shredded cabbage & carrots)

6 Ounces snow peas, chopped in large pieces

4 Green onions chopped in large pieces

¼ Cup teriyaki sauce



In a large, heated, non-stick skillet add vegetable, chicken, red pepper a, garlic, ginger, and Italian seasoning packet.  Brown chicken thoroughly.


Add all remaining ingredients, turn heat to high and cook until the peas, cabbage, and carrots are crisp/tender.


I eat it just as prepared, but over rice or ramen type noodles would be great as well.


Top with a few more peanuts and diced green onions for a great presentation.

Monday, December 12, 2022

It's not a DIET!

 You must have to stay on a really strict diet...

My wife and I went out to dinner with a couple this past week.  The husband hasn't seen me since I lost nearly 170#.    Husband's comment to me when my selection arrived (a kale, butternut squash, and apple salad that was delicious) was "Wow, you must have a really strict diet!"

First, I understand his assumption and second, this is not a diet this is a change in lifestyle.  A diet is a temporary change in food intake to achieve a goal; what I am on is a lifelong trajectory of better eating and a healthier lifestyle.

Currently I have 25# yet to drop to get to my goal weight so I am on a very restrictive plan of low carbs, low fat, high protein, limited calories.  The limitations set by this regime can be flexible; if I decide to have some carbs one day, I need to balance that out with less of something the next day.

This new life is not meant to be a punishment, it is meant to be a decision to ensure long term success for your new weight and health goals.  Like anything else, if you treat this new program of food and health consciousness as a drudge, you will soon be discouraged, resentful, and you WILL fail.  

Treat this new chapter in your life as progress and a positive change to you want to embrace.  If you have not reached a point in your life's journey that enables you to embrace and follow through with change, there is no need to trouble yourself and beat yourself up over your current state.  Once you have reached a point in your journey that you truly want change, that is when you begin a new healthy eating and healthy living routine.  A quick fix rarely results in lasting results, a long, thought-out, purposeful walk results in lasting changes/modifications.

Once a point is reached that you are ready for change, that is when you need to do your due diligence and explore what meal plans and healthy lifestyle changes work for you.  This is a major step in your life and you must be prepared to work to achieve your goals, realize there are going to be backslides and failures, and it will take time to reach your goals.

I encourage you to explore what you need to do to accomplish your goals and formulate a plan.  I never thought I would be able to lose 50# let alone 170# with a final weight loss goal of nearly 200#, but I can tell you, I am so very glad I did!

The key takeaway of this entry is to realize when you need a change, plan for the change, and follow through with the change, you will feel so very accomplished once you do!  Be proud of yourself when you start this journey that you have taken the initiative and understand what is needed for the new you 2.0!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Fasting or Not

To fast or not to fast, that is the question...


What are the benefits of intermittent fasting:

  • IF can minimize insulin levels. It can also reduce fat mass and the risk of developing age-related diseases, according to a 2022 study in the Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry
  • IF may help prevent short-term and long-term memory loss, per a 2018 animal study in the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine
  • IF could aid in the treatment and prevention of obesity per Wageningen Academic      
So, what is the best IF schedule to follow, the one that you will stick with is the logical answer.   In short, the one that's easiest for you to follow. "It is all about sustainability for the individual," says Amanda Baker Lemein, RD, a WH advisor. "If one of these diets work well for you and your lifestyle and preferences, then you will likely see some success. If not, then you'll likely not see the results you're looking for, as the sustainability piece will not be there." That means picking a diet that work best with all the lifestyle factors you need to consider, like your work schedule, family dynamic, living situation, commute time, and travel commitments, notes Lemein.

Here are 5 of the most popular IF schedules:

The bottom line: All intermittent fasting schedules may lead to weight loss if you can follow them sustainably, and the 14:10 method may be the easiest way to follow an IF diet.


Wellness changes everything!

FRIED RICED Cauliflower

 I am grain free, sugar free, low dairy, high protein, low carb, "good" fats only in my food consumption.  While that sounds reall...