Thursday, September 15, 2022


 I have heard before that a sure way to motivate you to lose weight and get in shape is to eat naked in front of a mirror...

Although there is validity in this argument, I would not suggest it when going to the Olive Garden.
So, what is your motivation (if you have any) and what do you want to accomplish with your body and health?

For me my motivation had multiple prongs.  I was not happy with my appearance, I did not like the clothes I had to wear, I hurt all over all the time, I was incredibly moody, I did not like all the medications I was taking, and I was just miserable with life and knew something had to change and I had to be catalyst for change.

In reality (and I have stated this before) the kick in the seat for me to get started was my Neurosurgeon refusing to operate until I lost weight.  What I did not realize was how my size and physical restrictions were affecting my wife.  My beloved had watched me get bigger and bigger, and become less active, she had resigned herself to me just having a heart attack and leaving her at a relatively young age.

The point is you need to look at your life.  We have all been put on this planet and started on this journey for a reason, you need to find your reason.  If you don't know your reason for being here, explore options.  What do you like to do, what makes you happy, what influences can you have on your fellow man for the better.  

Not everyone is here to complete grandiose projects, or influence thousands of people, some of us are here to complete the mundane or ordinary tasks and projects that make life better for some.  We may be here to influence only a few people.  But remember those few people can each influence a few people and those a few more, it becomes an exponential number and can reach millions, because of your good deed.

Don't cut yourself short based on others' opinions.  You need to know your worth and that you are worthy of completing the project, you count as a human!

To boil this down, we need to search ourselves and find what is causing us to make unhealthy choices, we need to correct those thoughts, we need to work diligently in improving our eating, our exercise habits, and our thought processes.  We need to think of ourselves in a positive light working towards goals.  

The past is gone don't keep revisiting it, you don't live there any longer.  Let the past hurts and disappointments go.  Live for now and the future, ahead is as bright and fulfilling as you want to make it.

Might I suggest creating a list of what you want to accomplish whether weight goal, physical activity goals, social goals, economic goals, anything you can think of.  Tackle one goal at a time, do your best to accomplish that goal.  If you are finding the goal more overwhelming than you first anticipated, seek help.  If the help is not working in a predetermined time, move that goal to the back of the list so you can address it again and move onto the next goal.

Working on yourself is a worthy cause, you will find you are capable of so much more than you thought as first, and you may discover more about yourself, who your true friends are, and what you can accomplish.  When you start to find your reason for being, your eating will improve, your mental health will improve, you will become more productive.  Go for it, you can do it!

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