Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Walk The Walk, Don't Just Talk the Talk

 I have had 5, yes 5 back surgeries that include 4 interbody fusions; I am currently fused L2, L3, L4, L5, S1.   Recovery from such invasive and major surgery takes time, walking is a key component to recovery and getting my life back on track.  For the first few months after surgery there are few exercise regimes that are allowed, walking is one of the approved.  Core strength is what is needed after back surgery such as mine and I will go over these exercises when I am able to accomplish them.  Currently walking is the key to regaining stamina and health.  Although true core exercises cannot be accomplished yet, two simple things can be done to help strengthen your core.  Posture is the first, stand up straight and tall when walking, second is hold that stomach in.  The second is more of an isometric exercise, strengthening the abdominal muscles while you walk.

Walking has 10 major benefits:

1. A Calmer mind, walking helps you process the day and your thoughts, clearing your mind.

2. Back pain relief by way of increased blood flow and strengthening of the core/abdominal muscles

3. Strengthens bones & joints

4. Tones your muscles

5. Improves digestion, lowers colon cancer risks, increases bowl movements

6. Benefits the pancreas, therefore reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer

7. Increases lung volume

8. Prevention of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels

9. Improves eyesight by lowering the pressure in the eyes

10 Brain boost effect, lowers stress, reduces the chances of dementia and Alzheimer disease

Remember F.I.T. (Frequency, Intensity, Time)  

Optimal is 30 minutes per day, 6,000-10,000 steps a day

Practice good form, arms at 90degree bend at the elbow, swinging the arms gently as you walk.

It takes time to get up to optimal levels, if you can only do 5 minutes a day that is where you start.  Remember, challenge yourself daily to go a little farther in each session, you will feel great and be glad you did!

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