Monday, September 5, 2022

Why this blog and what I hope to affect


The Clock Man’s Weight; introduction, explanation, and reasoning behind this blog.

                                                                          Dorrin age 4


Since I was 7 years old, I have struggled with my weight.  Don’t really know what happened (could be stress, but I am unsure) but I went from a normal size kid to a chubby kid,

                                                                         Dorrin age 7


to morbidly obese by the time I turned 14.  At 14 I weighed well over 300# and was really, really unhappy with myself.   

                                                                      Dorrin age 14


I decided I needed drop some weight and had plummeted to 168# by the time I was 16-1/2. 

                                                                       Dorrin age 16


I didn’t drop weight in a healthy fashion, I accomplished this weight loss by consumption of Slim-Fast, diet Mountain Dew and smoking Cherry Tiparillo Cigars (to quell my appetite).  This worked for me and combining my “diet” and “appetite suppressant” with working the night shift at a local hospital and part time as a cook at a restaurant, I managed to keep my weight down into my early 20’s. 

                                                                      Dorrin age 21


I was in the Air Force, married for 5 years, had three children, and the weight began to come back on.  I brushed this off thinking it was part of my body maturing.  Truthfully, it was work pressure, family pressure, and poor eating habits.  I kept gaining weight and hit my highest at 385# when I was 58.  I did not like how I looked, I did not like how I felt, everything hurt, I was irritable all the time, but I was running a successful business, the bills were paid, and life was pretty good, so I convinced myself everything was okay.  At about this same time I was having back problems (again) and needed a 4th surgery to correct degenerative discs, stenosis, arthritis in the spine etc., etc.… 

My tipping point came when my neurosurgeon refused to operate until I lost 50-100 pounds; I thought that was beyond my abilities, but I was wrong.

                                                                       Dorrin age 58


I decided to go on a strict 1000 Cal per day eating regime with high protein, low fat, and low carbs.  Sticking with this routine I have dropped 150# and have 36# to go to get to my ultimate goal.  My ultimate goal is from 385# to 199#.  For me, I need to go this low so I can build back muscle through exercise and healthy eating but keep the fat on my body low.  I am currently at 235# and working hard to drop those last few pounds.

                                                                      Dorrin age 59


This blog will be an exercise in how to determine your tipping point, how to handle the stresses, recipes that we can all share and modify to our tastes, and realizing we are in control of our destiny, so take charge and get to the best we can be.  For me it is understanding what my triggers are, needing to stay on a strict food regime, and needing to exercise to feed my mental and physical well-being. 


I hope this is a starting point for many of you and a place you can find inspiration to keep going. 

The title of this blog is “The Clock Man’s Weight”, this is a play on words as it is more than my physical weight, it is also about the weight of everyday life and how we can handle it.  You are going to find inspirational ideology on this blog as well as everyday common-sense approaches to handling life.  I am a realist and know not everything works for everybody, but I will be doing my best to explain what works for me and to hopefully inspire all of you!  Let’s get started with this new chapter in our lives!




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