Thursday, October 6, 2022

Ruffage & Fiber

 Keep it moving, keep it moving!

It's no secret, you have to keep everything moving through your intestinal tract to maintain optimal health.  It may not be a secret, but many do not understand how to keep everything moving through.
My diet is rich in protein, vegetables, fruit, and a LOT of water and green tea.  I thought my intake of fiber was sufficient, but I was wrong.  Most dieticians tell you the body needs 28 grams of fiber a day.  Even with 2-3 apples a day and a nice big salad, I was at only at 6 grams of fiber.  Lack of fiber was causing major intestinal problems and I began searching for a solution.  
Kale is high in fiber, but it's like eating green poster board, many of the other typical greens taste good, but are not all that appealing to me (mainly because of the time it takes to prepare them and).  I needed to explore and come up with a plan that would work for me.

I began searching supplements and found so many fiber pills, cookies, and drinks it soon became overwhelming.  I decided on a psyllium fiber drink that is sugar free and taken 3 times a day.
As a recap, my diet is a maximum 1,000 calories a day, I shoot for 150-200 grams of protein a day and now I know I need to have 28 grams of fiber today.  Suffice it to say vitamin supplements, fiber supplements, and on occasion protein drink supplements are needed to carry out my weight loss/maintenance plan.

What it boils down to is, know what you are taking into your body I suggest you keep a notebook on daily food intake, that way you can review what you are taking in and tweak it should you start experiencing problems.  I thought I was surely taking in enough ruffage/fiber with all the fruit and vegetables I consumed, but I was wrong. 

Keep the list, check what your food has in it to meet your body's needs, and keep an open mind to change and adjust to reach those goals

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