Sunday, November 26, 2023

Daniel Fast


What is Daniel Fasting?

Daniel 10: 2-3 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three weeks.

I ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, for the full three weeks. Daniel fast is a type of fast that is done in a very specific way, during which you avoid or decide not to enjoy the food that you like and choose simple foods instead. The purpose of this fast in to NOT do what you usually do, so that you can focus only on God and prayer.  The Bible does not give detailed explanation about the types of food that you cannot eat, but it is said that Daniel avoids the foods enjoyed by the king and eat only vegetables and drink only water.


Purpose of 21-Day of Daniel Prayer and Fasting:

•The purpose of every prayer and fasting is to grow closer and intimate with God

•Every time you enter a period of prayer and fasting, you will grow stronger in your spiritual life, and you'll dedicate your life more earnestly to the Lord.

•To obtain knowledge, understanding and wisdom, along with new dreams and visions, especially to live the years ahead. (Daniel 1: 17)


What Should We Do During Daniel Fasting?

During a 21-day fasting and period time, let's give our “Tithe” of time to God every day. Every day God gives us 1,444 minutes, so our daily “Tithe” of time spent in prayer is 144 minutes (2 hours and 24 minutes). To give this “Tithe” every day in prayer may sound very difficult, or even impossible, for you. But think about several things listed below that can help you fulfill this “Tithe” of prayer time:

•Pray when you are on the way to office when you are cooking, shopping, etc.

•Use your lunch time at office for prayer, reduce the time you spend on TV and use the time for prayer instead.

•When you are lying down and are unable to sleep, pray until you fall asleep.

•Go to the church or prayer tower specifically to pray.

•Try to set aside some time for devotional every day, same time, same place.

•If you are married, set aside some time to pray with your spouse.


Suggested food to be consumed in Daniel Fasting:

Seeds; Potato; Nuts; Fruits; Vegetables

Drink: mineral water (suggestion to drink water min.8 glass/day)


Food to be avoided:

•Meat and fish, anything that contain fats, processed food


•Dried fruits, snacks, and cookies (food made of flour)


•Soda drinks and alcoholic drinks (coffee, tea, etc.)

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