Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Keto Life


I have dropped 195#  and I feel great!!

I utilized the Keto Diet Regime as the core method for my weight loss.  
My approach to weight loss was low to no carb, moderate fat intake, and ultra high protein intake.
CLEAN food is the key.  I myself take in only grilled skinless/boneless chicken breasts, cruciferous vegetables, leafy green vegetables, eggs, salmon, tuna, and limit my dairy to some cheese.  

At the most intense portion of my weight loss journey, I was limiting my per day calories to 1000, increased my protein to 120-150 grams per day, and was at less than 10 carbs per day.  This strategy, although not sustainable for the long run, had me dropping 10# per week.  I needed this kick start to give me encouragement.  I had nearly 200# to drop and I needed help.

I am now down 195#-200# (depending on the day) This new normal is far easier to maintain than I ever imagined.  

Keys to maintenance and staying KETO:
1. Meal Prep    
I cook 3-5 days at a time to make it pretty much a grab and go type meal plan.  I know 30 days in advance what I will be taking in so I can have the items purchased and waiting to go.  This step cuts back on expenses and keeps me from falling into the "Well I might as well just..." abyss. 

2. Snack Time
Snacks can be a major pit fall of any new food plan.  I keep pepperoni, cooked chicken breasts, raw veggies and keto dip, and boiled eggs at the ready in the refrigerator for when I need "Something"  I also find keeping a pitcher of bone broth at the ready helps with squelching hunger pangs.

3 Exercise
You have got to do something to keep the body active and metabolism revved.  Whether it is chair yoga, floor yoga, treadmill work, or out taking a walk in nature.  45-60 minutes a day must be dedicated to this.  The goal is a minimum of 15,000 steps a day to keep the body in shape.

No good is accomplished be telling yourself something that is simply not true.  Self-deception will only compound your frustration in your new Keto Life.  Own up to mistakes, take corrective action, move forward, DO NOT dwell on the past.

You may need to modify the traditional keto food pyramid to your needs.  I do not take in nearly the amount of fats that is recommended and I take in far more proteins than recommended, but I NEVER TAKE IN MORE CARBS than recommended.

We have all been given gift of life, work on making it the best for you and those around you!

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