I've come to far to look back now.

I belong to many groups that are supposed to discuss the Keto Life and Keto Recipes.
These groups were meant to encourage and share, what I found is many of the members use these forums as platforms to complain, whine about their short comings, push advertisements for their own products, or somehow try to advance their agendas while marginalizing others struggles. It is my decision to not participate in such banal banter but to instead work to encourage.
When one makes the decision to start the Keto Life, it is a re-establishment of your relationship with food, your body, exercise, and spirituality. This is a rebirth in essence, and you must take charge of your life for your new journey to succeed. You hold the ultimate responsibility for the success of your journey. There will be slips and falls along the way, use these occasions not to fail, but to learn and grow from. You will determine your tipping points, your shortcomings. and your strengths. Use all of these to grow, become a better person, and encourage others.
I am now 60+ years old, married since I was 19, have 3 adult children, and 3 grandsons from 21 to 12. In my adult life I have weighed as much as 385+ pounds (the scale didn't go any higher so that is how it was recorded) and as little as 168 pounds.
I could not take control of my weight until I learned a few things.
1) My weight and health is my responsibility
2) Take ownership of your situation, do not push blame onto something or someone else
3) Understand how you got to this point in your life and formulate a roadmap to get out of this quagmire and succeed.
4) MOST IMPORTANTLY, forgive yourself for all the mistakes you have made, all the errors in judgement, all the poor decisions, all of your failures.
5) This is a new life starting today. This will not be a smooth highway, sometimes it will be a rocky goat path. BUT, this is YOUR new journey, live it to the fullest. Understand what you are made for, follow your calling, keep moving forward!
I have become a fan of tattoos as a form of personal expression, I have the love of my life's name and date of our marriage tattooed on my ring finger. This is an expression of my everlasting love and commitment to her.
On my neck you will see 3 crosses tattooed symbolizing my Christian faith but also my three children.
My next tattoo will be a statement on my right forearm. This is my mantra:
I've come too far to look back now.
I am in my 60's and I finally like me. I have examined my past, made peace with the errors, I have forgiven, and have moved forward, I will not beat myself up for mistakes of the past and only look forward to the great life I am experiencing.
We can be our own worst enemy. Stop it. Formulate a plan for success and initiate it. You are in charge and the energy you put forth determines your success in your weight control, health and spiritual growth. I encourage you to find a way to keep yourself motivated and work towards your goals.
Don't ever pass blame to someone or something else, take ownership of your actions and you will feel so much better with your results.
Once you conquer your past, your fears, your perceived shortcomings, and your lack of a plan, you will become at peace with yourself. Internal strife occurs when our brains sense we are not performing at our best or we are not living our calling. Taking control of your health, whether weight, exercise, mental, physical, or spiritual) removes your stress. Live your best life, love yourself, experience what you know you have been called to do and you will flourish. God bless you all!