Sunday, September 11, 2022

Self Time, Take Some or Risk Becoming a Bitter, Unhappy Person

 We all need time alone.  As an introvert, I especially need to take the time to be with my thoughts and recollect on my life, plans, and goals.  Take this time and you will look at life with a fresh perspective.

Set aside quiet time each day to process what has happened throughout the day. We need time to think about everything we’ve seen, heard, and experienced. This allows our brains to maintain balance between the cognitive and the emotional aspects of our brain. You might do this while journaling, taking a walk, or simply sitting in quiet and letting your mind think, process, zone out, and wander.


My goal is 4 miles of walking a day.  I compete 2 miles in the morning, 2 miles in the evening.  I do this alone, up in my barn, listening to music.  I find I can process the day ahead in the morning, and then reflect on the day's occurrences in the evening, planning what is next. 


Each day, it’s important to quiet our mind, body, and spirit. Some ways to do this include listening to music, reading a book, watching your favorite show, being artistic in some way, working a jigsaw puzzle, gardening, or other hobbies. The list could go on. The important thing, in this stage, is to be by yourself and spend time doing an activity you enjoy — something that fills your cup and/or puts you in a flow state.


I wake up between 3 and 5 am every day.  This early rise allows me time to ready my thoughts for the day, complete my daily devotionals, get the coffee ready for my beloved and I, complete my grooming, get dressed, and just ready myself for the day.  As I am drinking my first cup of coffee, I am holding my little dog as he sleeps wrapped in a banket on my lap.  Think about what the day will entail, list what you are grateful for, and list what you can improve or how you can help others.  Giving back is a very important part of a person's well-being. 


Just spend time being.  This is when we really begin to fill up that energy tank. This stage is about not taking in a lot, so there should be no reading, TV, electronic devices, or taking in new information. Meditation and mindfulness practices or being in nature can be good in this stage. In general, this is time to just be. You want to become peaceful and still, so you can go within easily.

It’s not always easy to get the alone time we as introverts need, especially if we work long hours or are the parent of young children. But any little bit will help. Even if you can only spend a few minutes on each step, it will boost your energy levels. When our energy levels are high, it has a positive impact on all areas of our lives.

Craving alone time is okay!   Take the time you need to restore yourself. A drained, depleted introvert cannot live fully, and you deserve to live your best life.

This time for me is the 30 minutes or so before my beloved awakes, I am on my second cup of coffee, I am watching the sun come up over the barn and listening to my little dog snore peacefully on my lap.  This is my favorite time of the day!

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