Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Yes, it is mine!

 I'm taking my life back BOB! (Meryl Streep's character in the film She Devil.)

I recently saw a post on social media that stated once you learn to control what you eat, drink and take into your body, you can control everything else.  While that is a rather broad premise, it does have its merits.

When one can take control back of their eating habits, it gives a great sense of satisfaction, returning a sense of ability to manage situations.  When a person is controlled by a situation or "thing", the feeling of uselessness and utter disdain for themselves can be the result.

So how does a body take control of their eating and food habits?  I go back to MAKE A LIST of everything you are consuming.  Eat as you wish for a day or two and write down EVERYTHING you consume (including the hand full of potato chips, the bit of ice cream, the spoonful of peanut butter, the butter on your toast in the AM, etc.)  After you have a two-day list, do a calorie count on what you consume.  A typical diet is 2000 calories per day, a "low calorie/weight loss" diet is typically 1200 calories a day.  Due to the nearly 200 pounds I needed to loose, I am on a 1,000 calorie, high protein, low carb, low fat diet regime.

After you have the list propagated, begin a plan on paring down the calories and fat in your food plan.  Be honest with yourself, but also realize things have to change in order to see a drop in weight.

The key to all of this is taking back control of your life.  Be honest in your consumption, plan a new food program, and stay the course.  Experiment with options.  I never thought egg whites for breakfast would be a good thing, now I really like them.  KETO friendly bread is actually a tasty alternative to the traditional white or wheat bread.  Sugar free gelatin (in moderation) is a nice, sweet treat.  High protein, fat free yogurt combined with fruit is a great breakfast plan.

The old saying "You don't plan to fail; you fail to plan" is very appropriate here.  To take back control of anything you need to formulate a game plan, put the plan in action, and follow through.  Don't get discouraged if/when you stray from the plan, just get back on track as soon as you realize the problem.

  DON'T GIVE UP, you will be so much stronger mentally when you TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE!

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Apple Cider Vinegar DETOX

 DETOX is a buzz word currently, but I can tell you, this works!

5 Reasons why you should try the 3 Day Apple Cider Vinegar Detox


1. Expels Toxins from the Body

Raw apple cider vinegar contains good bacteria that are essential for the proper functioning of the gut. It contains unique acids that help to bind and carry toxins for easier elimination from our bodies. Additionally, Apple cider vinegar aids in breaking down mucus in the body and cleansing the lymph nodes, which in turn expels toxins more effectively.

2. Jump Starts the Digestive System

Probiotics are microorganisms that help our bodies to function properly. One of their biggest benefits is in the digestive system. Apple cider vinegar boasts 5 different probiotics that do wonders to your gut. Due to its acidic nature, it boosts the production of digestive juices which results in a more efficient system eliminating issues such as constipation.

3. Improves Metabolism Contributing to Weight Loss

Taking apple cider vinegar regularly helps with weight loss by improving your metabolism. It does this by increasing muscle contractions in the intestines and therefore speeding up food ingestion. It is also known to increase satiety feeling as it stabilizes blood sugar, enabling you to eat less. Combined with exercise it can be a powerful weight-loss tool.

4. Balances the Body’s pH System

A good balance of acidity and alkalinity in the body is essential for maintaining good health. While vinegar is acidic by nature, when apple cider vinegar is broken down in the body it produces an alkalizing effect.  Most bacteria and viruses cannot survive in an alkaline environment, and thus promotes good health. If you work out regularly, a balanced pH environment helps reduce muscle pain and speeds up their regeneration.

5. Boosts the Immune System

Nobody likes to be sick. The apple cider vinegar detox has numerous benefits, and one of them is keeping you healthy. It contains vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that are important for good health. When you detox your body can absorb nutrients such as vitamin c better, strengthening the immune system. Moreover, it helps to clean the lymphatic system, and a well-functioning lymphatic system is essential for warding off disease-causing microorganisms.


What Goes into an Apple Cider Vinegar Detox?

The main ingredient of the detox is 1-2 spoons of raw apple cider vinegar, usually diluted with water or fruit juice. The most popular recipe contains 1-2 spoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 spoon of lemon juice, 1 cup water, and ½ tsp. cinnamon powder.

Other variations may switch the lemon juice for cranberry juice, green tea, or apple juice. You might want to add some cayenne pepper or honey. As these combinations are endless, it is prudent to try a few recipes to see what works best for you.



Steps to a 3-Day Apple Cider Vinegar Detox

Studies vary on the best time/number of times to take the detox drink in a day. There are no hard and fast rules, but the consensus seems to lean on taking it before meals. You can choose to take it once or twice a day, before breakfast and dinner. A good way to maximize the benefits of the drink is to stick to healthy meals.


Day 1

Start by drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. Prepare your best recipe for the apple cider vinegar detox and take it before breakfast. After a while take a light healthy breakfast, such as whole-grain cereal or fruit. For lunch and dinner, stick to fresh vegetables and lean proteins such as grilled fish. Drink lots of water throughout the day and help the body to expel toxins by breaking a sweat- a brisk walk or a run should do it.

Day 2

The detox process is now in motion. Take the detox drink as usual in the morning and have a breakfast of fresh fruits. Remember to drink lots of water. Take a salad for lunch and a light dinner of vegetables and steamed fish.

Day 3

You are almost there! After your morning detox drink stick to fruits and water on this last day. Take a vegetable dinner. Most probably you are already seeing and feeling the difference in your body.

As we know, eating healthy plays a huge role in the whole detox

Congratulations, you did it!  Happy detoxing!

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Holidays...

 Little has invoked as much fear into persons embarking on a new eating & exercising lifestyle than holiday meals with friends and relatives.

Don't fear the gathering, but do remember to stay the course, you need to plan for the event.
My wife makes what she refers to as "Holiday Mashed Potatoes" this concoction is loaded with butter, cream cheese, sour cream, heavy cream, and salt. (All of which I am trying to avoid) They are delicious but not in my best interest.  I know I can have a small amount OR I can substitute in a great variety of vegetables in its place.  I choose vegetable, but not everyone will; point is knowing the tradeoffs.
A game plan for each event is needed.  Scope out what is on the menu and what you are able to take in.  I know I can have the roast turkey (breast only for me), but ham has a great amount of salt and fat, so that is out.  I can have a great salad and roasted vegetable, but the green bean casserole is out.  The traditional rolls (any my wife makes fantastic rolls) are out, but Keto friendly rolls are great (in moderation).
Mashed potatoes are out, but a small baked sweet potato with lite sour cream is acceptable.
Deserts are a major stumble for many people. "Aunt Glenda makes this great pecan pie only once a year, I HAVE to have a piece" Not wanting to hurt Aunties feelings, you can have a sliver or just substitute in a nice portion of fresh fruits or sugar free gelatin.
Major point is you don't have to have a stalk of celery and a boiled piece of chicken breast as your meal, this will make you resent the gathering an could easily derail your progress; Make healthy, informed decisions.
Personally, I like making healthy choices and seeing what I can substitute in for the traditional items I had my entire life.  Options are great, planning and substitution of items is a game I love!

Bottom line: Plan the day, plan your choices, do not make a spectacle of yourself by making overtly obvious "Good" choices, do not possess the mindset of "Showing them" for your choices, or calling someone out for their poor choices.  This is a gathering for all to enjoy, it is not a time for you to condemn others for their choices, or flaunt your healthy choices, all these actions do is ruin the day for many, make you feel deprived, and simply cause a lot of bad feelings on a day that is to be enjoyed.  
Be respectful, eat smart, encourage others, be a great guest.  THESE should be the goal of the day!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 Some people can eat whatever they desire, and their cholesterol levels are fine, I am not in that group.

My father died when he was 59; I was 26, married for 7 years, had three young children, and I found out had very high levels of bad cholesterol. (400+ to be exact)

Dad's diet was far from healthy.  Being one of 9 children from a poor, West Virginian, Appalachian family, he was used to eating what was available, cheap, and of course rolled in flour and fried in bacon grease, lard, or any fat available.  Dad had heart bypass surgery in his early 50's, had arterial sclerosis, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.  Not an ideal life.

After dad passed my wife insisted I have my cholesterol checked; I did not think that was needed as I just separated from the Air Force, was young and only weighed 210 pounds; I was wrong.  My numbers came back abysmal with the HDL number over 400, I was put on a statin drug immediately and that was able to reduce my HDL number to around 200.

I felt this was acceptable as everyone seemed to take medications to correct their cholesterol numbers.  Stayed on that drug for years, my weight ballooned to 385 pounds my blood pressure shot up and I needed medications to control that, but the cholesterol numbers remained good.  I thought everything was golden.  I was wrong.

My weight, diet and lifestyle were going to be the demise of me.  I was nearly 200 pounds overweight, ate foods that were bad for me, and had a high stress corporate job.  I left the corporate world and became self-employed, that helped some.  But the weight and poor diet had to go.

I began a log of what I was eating daily so I had a base line to start editing my eating pattern from. (let me tell you that is a shocking eye opener).  I cut the fat out of my diet, cut the carbohydrates from my diet and removed all red meats from my diet.  I had lost 165 pounds, so I decided to go off the statin drugs.  MY numbers had to be good now, after all I was eating healthy and lost a LOT of weight.  Again, I was wrong.

I am a member of that great group whose body makes a lot of cholesterol and that is not good.  Had my cholesterol numbers checked and my HDL was creeping back up after I stopped the statins, it was now 220.  Back on the statins I went.

So what is the point of this writing?  The point is diet is not the only aspect of a healthy lifestyle.  A body needs exercise, and you need to work on the food taken in to see how you process these items.  From reviewing my food log, I know hydrogenated fats (like margarine) and red meats are not handled well by my body.  I also know that I need vitamin and mineral supplements, as well as other supplements (such as garlic, fish oil, CoQ10) to balance my diet and body requirement.  

Listen to your body, it will tell you when it is out of balance.  Once you have started a healthy eating regiment, you will crave certain foods when your body needs the nutrients in them.  I encourage you to keep track of your daily food intake, your daily "exercise", your daily supplement intake.  A healthy lifestyle is a moving target, you need to constantly tweak the process to keep working toward your goals.  

Once you begin a better diet and a better exercise routine, you will feel so much better.  Just start with a log of what you eat and do, the results will amaze you. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Thank you!

 I am honored at this latest news!

I am feeling so grateful that this blog in now read on 6 of the 7 continents.  Thank you all, with your encouragement I am certain my readership and following will grow.

This good news brings up a great point, ALWAYS be thankful!  Your mindset is a very important tool as you reinvent your lifestyle and relationship with food.

Not everyone will have an easy road in their growth and change but be thankful for the gains and reflect on what you can learn from the losses.

After 2019, 2020, & 2021 with the pandemic and all related problems, I was hoping for an easy 2022.  That has not been the case; I have had two additional surgeries on my back (5 in total) this year.  The one in January left me with a partially paralyzed left leg and calf muscles; The damage from this surgery was addressed in an additional surgery in August.  Although the outcome was far from perfect, I am thankful that I am walking and in far less pain than before the surgeries.

At the same time of my failed January surgery, my wife of nearly 40 years was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the bone marrow, she is not curable but is treatable, Patricia (my wife) is now in remission.  Although hard to be thankful in this situation, I am thankful that she is treatable, is in remission and is in positive spirits.

The point is, your attitude and how you approach/react to situations has a great impact on your health.  You can choose to be mad, miserable, and generally unhappy or you can choose to look at the circumstance and see what you can learn from them and how you can grow to become a better human.

Not everything will be perfect or even fair, but you need to take that circumstance and use it for the best you can; grow and learn from the experience and become an inspiration/aid to people.  You never know who you are impacting, make sure it is for the positive, not the negative.


Friday, November 11, 2022

For the Lovers of Baked Goods

 My wife desires and enjoys baked goods of all kinds, me not so much.

See the source image

I am married to a woman who is a wonderful baker!  I have never been a great consumer of sweet baked items and as we both age she has slowed down her consumption as well.  STILL, she desires sweet items on occasion.  I have searched for several healthier alternatives in baked good and have included two below.

Healthy Skinny Banana Cookies
  • 2 bаnаnаѕ (rіре аnd mаѕhеd)
  • 1 cup Old Fаѕhіоnеd оаtѕ (do nоt cook)
  • 1/4 сuр mіnі dаrk chocolate сhірѕ
  1. Preheat оvеn to 350°F.
  2. Spray a cookie sheet with nonstick cooking ѕрrау.
  3. Mіx thе mashed bаnаnаѕ and oats in a bowl. Fоld іn the сhосоlаtе сhірѕ.
  4. Uѕіng a spoon, ѕсоор uр thе bаttеr аnd place оn thе cookie sheet.
  5. Bаkе fоr 12-15 mіnutеѕ
This a favorite of my wife's as she can add nuts if she wants or raisins (I think dried figs or dates would be great as well, even cut up prunes)

Healthy Baked Apples
6 Apples, large
1/2 tsp Ginger, ground
2 tbsp Maple syrup
1 cup Oats, old fashioned
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
2 tbsp Coconut oil
1/2 cup Pecans
1/2 cup Apple cider

Hollow out apples (keep for snacking) Place in 9x13 baking dish
Mix all ingredients and fill apple shells

Bake in 350 degree oven for 30-45 minutes
Spoon liquid in pan over top of apples
Serve and enjoy

There are so many options for healthy eating today that are easily substituted.  For sweetness I substitute Monk Fruit powder (I buy the 1:1 substitute for ease).  For gluten free I use GF baking mix or almond flour (my favorite)  You may need to add more leavening  agent to get the lift you want.  Substitute egg whites in for whole eggs (not a perfect substitute as it has no fat)

As with all types of cooking, experiment to get the taste/texture you are after, its great to expand your horizons and your body will be glad you did!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

For the Love of Egg Whites

 Versatile, tasty, healthy, what's not to love!

Whether you choose liquid or powdered, egg whites are a great addition/substitution to your healthy lifestyle; I enjoy an egg white omelet several days a week.  A high protein, low-fat food, that has a great taste, this can be crafted into so many dishes.

Egg white omelet:
    4-5 egg whites
    1 ounce diced low-fat ham
    4 medium white mushrooms, sliced
    2 TBS shredded parmesan cheese

    Spray a good quality, non-stick skillet with an olive oil spray
    Add diced ham and sliced mushrooms, cook until browned
    Add egg whites, cook until firmed
    Top with parmesan cheese
    Place a lid on skillet, finish cooking until cheese is melted and egg whites are firmed through 

Egg white ham & spinach frittata:
    5 egg whites
    Handful of baby spinach
    1 ounce diced low fat ham
    1/2 small white onion diced
    2 TBS shredded parmesan cheese

    Spray a good quality, non-stick skillet with an olive oil spray
    Add Diced ham & onion and brown
    Add spinach and cover, cooking until wilted
    Add egg whites
    Top with parmesan cheese 
    Cover with lid until cooked through and fluffy

Egg white quiche:
    20 egg whites
    1 cup hash browns
    1 cup diced ham
    2 cups coarsely chopped greens
    1 cup diced red bell pepper
    1 cup shredded Gruyere cheese
    1/4 cup chopped flat leaf parsley
    1-1/2 cups milk
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp ground black pepper
    Whisk all ingredients together
    Spray 9x13 casserole dish with non-stick spray 
    Pour mixture into sprayed casserole dish
    Place in 375-degree, preheated oven
    Bake until done, approx. 60-75 minutes

Any recipe that calls for eggs can have eggs whites substituted.  Granted some claim the fat in the yolk of the egg may need to be replaced with another fat to achieve the same texture/lift, but I do not find that to be a need.  I am thoroughly enjoying exploring new culinary adventures on my new healthy living path, I hope you are as well.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

TVP (texturized vegetable protein)

 First, I do not profess to be vegan, but I do find TVP to be a great alternative ingredient in my healthy living adventure.

TOFU is now old school, there is a new favorite vegan ingredient taking the spotlight.  TVP of textured vegetable protein is a soy-based meat alternative that is a compete source of protein.  One of the many benefits of TVP, aside from its meat-like texture and versatile flavor, is that it is an excellent protein source for those following a meat-free diet.   TVP can be seasoned to make sausage gravies, chili, added to a vegetable soup, used as taco "meat" etc.; pretty much anything you would use ground meat for you can use TVP for.  

TVP Meatloaf:

2  16 oz. packages vegetable protein crumbles (Boca or Morningstar)
 1 medium onion, chopped
5-6 garlic cloves, crushed in a garlic press or finely chopped
1 tablespoon dried parsley
1/2 tablespoon chili powder

1/2 tablespoon seasoned salt
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce*
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup ketchup
3 tablespoons firmly packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon seasoned salt
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

Mix, place in loaf pan coated with non stick spray, bake 90 minutes at 350 degrees.
Prior to baking top with your choice of ketchup, ketchup & brown sugar, or even BBQ sauce
Let rest 15 minutes, slice and serve.

TVP Sausage Gravy:

1 cup TVP granules
1 cup very hot water
1 teaspoon soy sauce
3 cups water
1 bouillon cube, your favorite flavor
1/2 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon poultry seasoning
1/2 teaspoon marjoram
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon oil
1 small onion, minced
12 biscuits


In a small bowl, stir together the TVP, hot water and soy sauce. Set aside for 5-10 minutes.

In a large measuring cup, stir together water, bouillon cube, flour, poultry seasoning, marjoram, salt and pepper.

Meanwhile, in a large heavy skillet, saute onion in oil. Add TVP and saute for another minute. Add bouillon mixture and whisk slowly, bringing to full temperature.

When gravy is thick and hot, serve over biscuits.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Careful, Not Everyone Has Your Best Interest at Heart

 Isn't the internet wonderful? You can find thousands of bogus articles on any subject in a matter of minutes.

When determining how you want to proceed with your weight loss, change your eating habits, refine your health regimens, or any other life altering behavior, DO YOUR RESEARCH, due diligence is a must to ensure a responsible, life altering decision can be made with your best interest in mind.

When determining what to change in your diet list what you want to achieve and research how to go about this.  Be careful in your research, many articles are nothing more than a sales pitch for products with unfounded (but very convincing sounding) results.

Ask yourself, "Does this seem too good to be true?"; what are the qualifications of the author of this piece, does the article seem to be pushing a product, agenda, group instead of working on informing the reader.

Think to yourself "But wait there's more!" and put yourself in the driver's seat as you take in this information, don't just be a passenger along for the ride.  Remember the TV commercials that promise so much but deliver so little and work to not be a victim of slick copy and a fast talker.

When you are deciding on a major life event dealing with your health and well-being, it is more than reasonable to be skeptical and want more information.  If additional information cannot be located about the product, service, life changing event, simply walk away, you are worth it.

Does this mean that all new ideas are hokum and should be discounted?  No.  We now know that reducing calories, reducing fat, reducing carbohydrates, increasing protein, and increasing physical activity are great ways to improve one's quality of life and health, but this was not always the case.  We know that a life can be too full, you can be too busy, you can take time for you; again, this is a relatively new concept but one that has great benefit to our persons.

In short, when approaching a new way of doing something research more than one source, right down the pros and cons and finally give it the "Smell Test" 😁  If something appears off, pass it up and revisit it again at a later date, if it does not pass the "Smell Test" on a second visit, your mind is telling you this aspect is not for you, go down another avenue to achieve your goals.

A Meatless Week Day

 Really, a meatless day each week will not damage you!

I try very hard to add a meatless day to my weekly culinary experience.  ITs not hard to do, what can be difficult is finding recipes that are meat free yet tasty.

I find substituting soy protein, legumes, mushrooms, egg whites, and a LOT of vegetables eases the pain of a no meat day.

On a typical no meat day I have an egg white, spinach and mushroom frittata with Keto friendly toast for breakfast.

This is a simple recipe:  In a good quality, nonstick skillet add One tsp butter in a skillet, 4-5 large white mushrooms sliced thin.  Brown the mushrooms, add a generous handful of baby spinach leaves and let wilt.  Sprinkle this with 1 TBS grated or shredded Parmesan Cheese.  After this has warmed through, pour 4 egg whites over and let cook until set.  Flip this over and brown the second side.  Serve with a sprinkle of grated Parmesan and toast points.  A great breakfast for around 200 calories.

On a meatless day, I usually consume a protein drink for lunch and for dinner I have a great meal of spiralized zucchini, olives, and black beans.

Another simple recipe: In a good quality, nonstick skillet, add 5 cloves crushed garlic, 4 shredded peppers, and 1 tsp olive oil.  Cook until the peppers are softened, and the garlic has bloomed fragrant.Add one small spiralized zucchini, 6 sliced white mushrooms, 1/2 cup green olives, 1/2 cup black olives, one can rinsed black beans.  Heat until the zucchini has wilted, and the juices appear in the skillet.  At this point I drain the juices and add 16 ounces of a great quality tomato sauce (I use my wife's but you can use store bought).  Simmer for 15-20 minutes and serve with grated Parmesan Cheese on top. 

Explore your traditional recipes and substitute in good quality, high protein nonmeat alternatives, You will be glad you did! 

FRIED RICED Cauliflower

 I am grain free, sugar free, low dairy, high protein, low carb, "good" fats only in my food consumption.  While that sounds reall...