Some things are inevitable. We age, we have limitations, we lose loved ones, our bodies change, hair color and even hair goes away (sometimes it decides to grow in inappropriate places 😂), skin changes, we slow down.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Just accept it ~ NO!
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Recently my eldest son gifted his mother and I a vegetable spiralizer. GREAT item!!
Thursday, September 15, 2022
I have heard before that a sure way to motivate you to lose weight and get in shape is to eat naked in front of a mirror...
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
What do you Mean "Learn to Like Yourself"
My childhood, even my early adult life, never included the phrase "I like myself"; that is a pity, as we all need to appreciate us for who we are and work on making ourselves better every day. It's difficult, but we should not depend on others to determine our worth, that comes from inside.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Self Time, Take Some or Risk Becoming a Bitter, Unhappy Person
We all need time alone. As an introvert, I especially need to take the time to be with my thoughts and recollect on my life, plans, and goals. Take this time and you will look at life with a fresh perspective.
Set aside quiet time each day to process what has happened
throughout the day. We need time to think about everything we’ve seen, heard,
and experienced. This allows our brains to maintain balance between the
cognitive and the emotional aspects of our brain. You might do this while
journaling, taking a walk, or simply sitting in quiet and letting your mind
think, process, zone out, and wander.
My goal is 4 miles of walking a day. I compete 2 miles in the morning, 2 miles in the evening. I do this alone, up in my barn, listening to music. I find I can process the day ahead in the morning, and then reflect on the day's occurrences in the evening, planning what is next.
Each day, it’s important to quiet our mind, body, and
spirit. Some ways to do this include listening to music, reading a book,
watching your favorite show, being artistic in some way, working a jigsaw
puzzle, gardening, or other hobbies. The list could go on. The important thing,
in this stage, is to be by yourself and spend time doing an activity you enjoy
— something that fills your cup and/or puts you in a flow state.
I wake up between 3 and 5 am every day. This early rise allows me time to ready my thoughts for the day, complete my daily devotionals, get the coffee ready for my beloved and I, complete my grooming, get dressed, and just ready myself for the day. As I am drinking my first cup of coffee, I am holding my little dog as he sleeps wrapped in a banket on my lap. Think about what the day will entail, list what you are grateful for, and list what you can improve or how you can help others. Giving back is a very important part of a person's well-being.
Just spend time being.
This is when we really begin to fill up that energy tank. This stage is
about not taking in a lot, so there should be no reading, TV, electronic
devices, or taking in new information. Meditation and mindfulness practices or
being in nature can be good in this stage. In general, this is time to just be.
You want to become peaceful and still, so you can go within easily.
It’s not always easy to get the alone time we as introverts
need, especially if we work long hours or are the parent of young children. But
any little bit will help. Even if you can only spend a few minutes on each
step, it will boost your energy levels. When our energy levels are high, it has
a positive impact on all areas of our lives.
Craving alone time is okay!
Take the time you need to restore yourself. A drained, depleted
introvert cannot live fully, and you deserve to live your best life.
This time for me is the 30 minutes or so before my beloved
awakes, I am on my second cup of coffee, I am watching the sun come up over the
barn and listening to my little dog snore peacefully on my lap. This is my favorite time of the day!
Air Fryer, The Way to GO!
The keys to my wight loss are reduce carbs, reduce fat, increase protein. The air fryer is my favorite appliance for cooking now! (Amazingly beating out my crock pot)
It's in Essence Keto I Suppose
I have lost 160# in 14 months. Many have asked "My Secret". No secret, I'll tell everyone that wants to hear, it is basically a Keto diet, but I prefer to lower the fat as well.
The "Ber" Months ~ Soups On!
When we hit the "Ber" months (September, October, November, December) I start craving a nice warm bowl of soup. Tuesday of each week I have set aside as meatless days. Here are three of my favorite meatless soup recipes.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Walk The Walk, Don't Just Talk the Talk
I have had 5, yes 5 back surgeries that include 4 interbody fusions; I am currently fused L2, L3, L4, L5, S1. Recovery from such invasive and major surgery takes time, walking is a key component to recovery and getting my life back on track. For the first few months after surgery there are few exercise regimes that are allowed, walking is one of the approved. Core strength is what is needed after back surgery such as mine and I will go over these exercises when I am able to accomplish them. Currently walking is the key to regaining stamina and health. Although true core exercises cannot be accomplished yet, two simple things can be done to help strengthen your core. Posture is the first, stand up straight and tall when walking, second is hold that stomach in. The second is more of an isometric exercise, strengthening the abdominal muscles while you walk.
Walking has 10 major benefits:
1. A Calmer mind, walking helps you process the day and your thoughts, clearing your mind.
2. Back pain relief by way of increased blood flow and strengthening of the core/abdominal muscles
3. Strengthens bones & joints
4. Tones your muscles
5. Improves digestion, lowers colon cancer risks, increases bowl movements
6. Benefits the pancreas, therefore reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer
7. Increases lung volume
8. Prevention of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels
9. Improves eyesight by lowering the pressure in the eyes
10 Brain boost effect, lowers stress, reduces the chances of dementia and Alzheimer disease
Remember F.I.T. (Frequency, Intensity, Time)
Optimal is 30 minutes per day, 6,000-10,000 steps a day
Practice good form, arms at 90degree bend at the elbow, swinging the arms gently as you walk.
It takes time to get up to optimal levels, if you can only do 5 minutes a day that is where you start. Remember, challenge yourself daily to go a little farther in each session, you will feel great and be glad you did!
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Its the Dressing!
I love a good salad! HOWEVER, a great, healthy, low calorie, high fiber meal can be ruined by simply adding the wrong dressing.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Of Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Juice
If you believe all that is posted about unfiltered apple cider vinegar with mother and lemon juice, there should be no overweight people, everyone should have a flat stomach and all sicknesses and cancers should be eradicated!
Health Benefits of Lemon Juice
1. Relieves a sore throat
2. Cancer-fighting benefits
3. Prevents kidney stones
4. Aids in digestion
5. Helps blood sugar
6. Promotes weight loss
7. Helps clear skin
Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother is also a very helpful additive to one's diet, but again not the cure of the ages as touted. Here are a few benefits of AC Vinegar with mother
1. Relieves heart burn and acid reflux
2. Its a natural tooth whitener
3. Aids in fat loss
4. Helps in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes
5. Helps in lowering blood cholesterol
6. Its an energy booster
7. Boosts the absorption of calcium
8. Its a natural anti-inflammatory.
All this taken into consideration, I drink a cocktail of ACV and lemon juice 2x a day.
My cocktail recipe:
2Tbs Lemon juice
2Tbs Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother
4-8 ounces warm water
My stance on this, it works for me, try it and see what happens for you. I am nearly 60 years old and even in my 20's I never had a flat stomach; watching my diet and taking this cocktail twice a day and I now have a flat stomach. I am very pleased indeed and plan on keeping this as a permanent fixture in my diet and fitness routine
Why this blog and what I hope to affect
The Clock Man’s Weight; introduction, explanation, and reasoning behind this blog.
Dorrin age 4
Since I was 7 years old, I have struggled with my
weight. Don’t really know what happened
(could be stress, but I am unsure) but I went from
a normal size kid to a chubby kid,
Dorrin age 7
to morbidly obese by the time I turned 14. At 14 I weighed well over 300# and was
really, really unhappy with myself.
Dorrin age 14
I decided I needed drop some weight and had plummeted to
168# by the time I was 16-1/2.
Dorrin age 16
I didn’t drop weight in a healthy fashion, I accomplished
this weight loss by consumption of Slim-Fast, diet Mountain Dew and smoking
Cherry Tiparillo Cigars (to quell my appetite).
This worked for me and combining my “diet” and “appetite suppressant”
with working the night shift at a local hospital and part time as a cook at a
restaurant, I managed to keep my weight down into my early 20’s.
Dorrin age 21
I was in the Air Force, married for 5 years, had three
children, and the weight began to come back on.
I brushed this off thinking it was part of my body maturing. Truthfully, it was work pressure, family
pressure, and poor eating habits. I kept
gaining weight and hit my highest at 385# when I was 58. I did not like how I looked, I did not like
how I felt, everything hurt, I was irritable all the time, but I was running a
successful business, the bills were paid, and life was pretty good, so I convinced
myself everything was okay. At about
this same time I was having back problems (again) and needed a 4th
surgery to correct degenerative discs, stenosis, arthritis in the spine etc., etc.…
My tipping point came when my neurosurgeon refused to
operate until I lost 50-100 pounds; I thought that was beyond my abilities, but
I was wrong.
Dorrin age 58
I decided to go on a strict 1000 Cal per day eating regime
with high protein, low fat, and low carbs.
Sticking with this routine I have dropped 150# and have 36# to go to get
to my ultimate goal. My ultimate goal is
from 385# to 199#. For me, I need to go
this low so I can build back muscle through exercise and healthy eating but
keep the fat on my body low. I am currently
at 235# and working hard to drop those last few pounds.
Dorrin age 59
This blog will be an exercise in how to determine your
tipping point, how to handle the stresses, recipes that we can all share and
modify to our tastes, and realizing we are in control of our destiny, so take
charge and get to the best we can be.
For me it is understanding what my triggers are, needing to stay on a strict
food regime, and needing to exercise to feed my mental and physical
I hope this is a starting point for many of you and a place
you can find inspiration to keep going.
The title of this blog is “The Clock Man’s Weight”, this
is a play on words as it is more than my physical weight, it is also about the
weight of everyday life and how we can handle it. You are going to find inspirational ideology on
this blog as well as everyday common-sense approaches to handling life. I am a realist and know not everything works
for everybody, but I will be doing my best to explain what works for me and to
hopefully inspire all of you! Let’s get
started with this new chapter in our lives!
FRIED RICED Cauliflower
I am grain free, sugar free, low dairy, high protein, low carb, "good" fats only in my food consumption. While that sounds reall...
By far the best pizza crust I have ever had, no carbs, great taste, so easy to make! There is no going back to the old stuff now! In a bow...
I am not in any way, shape, or form a sports minded individual, however I am working on conditioning myself to be ready to participate in a...
I've come to far to look back now. . I belong to many groups that are supposed to discuss the Keto Life and Keto Recipes. These groups ...